Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baseball Inn(ing)

One of the Charmed Ones, Alyssa Milano, loves the Cubs!!

So what are they going to build in that old Subway space? Mystery Solved!

The seniors at Mt. Carmel got out of school early and just about all of them ran over to Chipotle for a impromptu party and autograph-book signing. It was adorable with all the kids still in their uniforms. I thought to take a picture, but I didn't want to be that creepy guy taking the picture of the Catholic Schoolkids.

And a big hotel needs its own parking area, of course.

Strange Cargo indeed.

After taking a closer look, something has been added to "Sah-man-tah."

Dangerous missing manhole cover.

Strict UPS store.

The Dante's Inferno Pizza Place has erased/covered over the dancing silhouettes.

Yes. He did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. and Jason. Both are hilarious.